Q Q:1731278955

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作者: 来源: 日期:2018/1/7 7:22:00 人气:3 

    otherwise if the follower set S(Last-Character) is non-empty then

        read 1 bit from the input stream.

        if this bit is not zero then

            read 8 bits from the input stream, and copy this

            value to the output stream.

        otherwise if this bit is zero then

            read B(N(Last-Character)) bits from the input

            stream, and assign this value to I.

            Copy the value of S(Last-Character)[I] to the

            output stream.

    assign the last value placed on the output stream to


end loop

B(N(j)) is defined as the minimal number of bits required to

encode the value N(j)-1.

The decompressed stream from above can then be expanded to

re-create the original file as follows:

let State <- 0.

loop until done

    read 8 bits from the input stream into C.

    case State of

        0:  if C is not equal to DLE (144 decimal) then

                copy C to the output stream.

            otherwise if C is equal to DLE then

                let State <- 1.

        1:  if C is non-zero then

                let V <- C.

                let Len <- L(V)

                let State <- F(Len).

            otherwise if C is zero then

                copy the value 144 (decimal) to the output stream.

                let State <- 0

        2:  let Len <- Len + C

            let State <- 3.

        3:  move backwards D(V,C) bytes in the output stream

            (if this position is before the start of the output

            stream, then assume that all the data before the

            start of the output stream is filled with zeros).

            copy Len+3 bytes from this position to the output stream.

            let State <- 0.

    end case

end loop

The functions F,L, and D are dependent on the 'compression

factor', 1 through 4, and are defined as follows:

For compression factor 1:

    L(X) equals the lower 7 bits of X.

    F(X) equals 2 if X equals 127 otherwise F(X) equals 3.

    D(X,Y) equals the (upper 1 bit of X) * 256 + Y + 1.

For compression factor 2:

    L(X) equals the lower 6 bits of X.

    F(X) equals 2 if X equals 63 otherwise F(X) equals 3.

    D(X,Y) equals the (upper 2 bits of X) * 256 + Y + 1.

For compression factor 3:

    L(X) equals the lower 5 bits of X.

    F(X) equals 2 if X equals 31 otherwise F(X) equals 3.

    D(X,Y) equals the (upper 3 bits of X) * 256 + Y + 1.