Q Q:1731278955

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作者: 来源: 日期:2018/1/9 9:56:51 人气:11 

The bit lengths for the literal tables are sent first with the number
of entries sent described by the 5 bits sent earlier.  There are up
to 286 literal characters; the first 256 represent the respective 8
bit character, code 256 represents the End-Of-Block code, the remaining
29 codes represent copy lengths of 3 thru 258.  There are up to 30
distance codes representing distances from 1 thru 32k as described
                             Length Codes
      Extra             Extra              Extra              Extra
 Code Bits Length  Code Bits Lengths  Code Bits Lengths  Code Bits Length(s)
 ---- ---- ------  ---- ---- -------  ---- ---- -------  ---- ---- ---------
  257   0     3     265   1   11,12    273   3   35-42    281   5  131-162
  258   0     4     266   1   13,14    274   3   43-50    282   5  163-194
  259   0     5     267   1   15,16    275   3   51-58    283   5  195-226
  260   0     6     268   1   17,18    276   3   59-66    284   5  227-257
  261   0     7     269   2   19-22    277   4   67-82    285   0    258
  262   0     8     270   2   23-26    278   4   83-98
  263   0     9     271   2   27-30    279   4   99-114
  264   0    10     272   2   31-34    280   4  115-130
                            Distance Codes
      Extra           Extra             Extra               Extra
 Code Bits Dist  Code Bits  Dist   Code Bits Distance  Code Bits Distance
 ---- ---- ----  ---- ---- ------  ---- ---- --------  ---- ---- --------
   0   0    1      8   3   17-24    16    7  257-384    24   11  4097-6144
   1   0    2      9   3   25-32    17    7  385-512    25   11  6145-8192
   2   0    3     10   4   33-48    18    8  513-768    26   12  8193-12288
   3   0    4     11   4   49-64    19    8  769-1024   27   12 12289-16384
   4   1   5,6    12   5   65-96    20    9 1025-1536   28   13 16385-24576
   5   1   7,8    13   5   97-128   21    9 1537-2048   29   13 24577-32768
   6   2   9-12   14   6  129-192   22   10 2049-3072
   7   2  13-16   15   6  193-256   23   10 3073-4096
The compressed data stream begins immediately after the
compressed header data.  The compressed data stream can be
interpreted as follows:
   read header from input stream.
   if stored block
      skip bits until byte aligned
      read count and 1's compliment of count
      copy count bytes data block
      loop until end of block code sent
         decode literal character from input stream
         if literal < 256
            copy character to the output stream
            if literal = end of block
               break from loop
               decode distance from input stream
               move backwards distance bytes in the output stream, and
               copy length characters from this position to the output
      end loop
while not last block
if data descriptor exists
   skip bits until byte aligned
   read crc and sizes