-FWKCS MD5 Extra Field (0x4b46):
The FWKCS Contents_Signature System, used in
automatically identifying files independent of file name,
optionally adds and uses an extra field to support the
rapid creation of an enhanced contents_signature:
Header ID = 0x4b46
Data Size = 0x0013
Preface = 'M','D','5'
followed by 16 bytes containing the uncompressed file's
128_bit MD5 hash(1), low byte first.
When FWKCS revises a .ZIP file central directory to add
this extra field for a file, it also replaces the
central directory entry for that file's uncompressed
file length with a measured value.
FWKCS provides an option to strip this extra field, if
present, from a .ZIP file central directory. In adding
this extra field, FWKCS preserves .ZIP file Authenticity
Verification; if stripping this extra field, FWKCS
preserves all versions of AV through PKZIP version 2.04g.
FWKCS, and FWKCS Contents_Signature System, are
trademarks of Frederick W. Kantor.
(1) R. Rivest, RFC1321.TXT, MIT Laboratory for Computer
Science and RSA Data Security, Inc., April 1992.
ll.76-77: "The MD5 algorithm is being placed in the
public domain for review and possible adoption as a
file comment: (Variable)
The comment for this file.
number of this disk: (2 bytes)
The number of this disk, which contains central
directory end record. If an archive is in zip64 format
and the value in this field is 0xFFFF, the size will
be in the corresponding 4 byte zip64 end of central
directory field.
number of the disk with the start of the central
directory: (2 bytes)
The number of the disk on which the central
directory starts. If an archive is in zip64 format
and the value in this field is 0xFFFF, the size will
be in the corresponding 4 byte zip64 end of central
directory field.
total number of entries in the central dir on
this disk: (2 bytes)
The number of central directory entries on this disk.
If an archive is in zip64 format and the value in
this field is 0xFFFF, the size will be in the
corresponding 8 byte zip64 end of central
directory field.
total number of entries in the central dir: (2 bytes)
The total number of files in the .ZIP file. If an
archive is in zip64 format and the value in this field
is 0xFFFF, the size will be in the corresponding 8 byte
zip64 end of central directory field.
size of the central directory: (4 bytes)
The size (in bytes) of the entire central directory.
If an archive is in zip64 format and the value in
this field is 0xFFFFFFFF, the size will be in the
corresponding 8 byte zip64 end of central
directory field.