Format 2 bytes Format definition for this record
AlgID 2 bytes Encryption algorithm identifier
Bitlen 2 bytes Bit length of encryption key
Flags 2 bytes Processing flags
CertData TSize-8 Certificate decryption extra field data
(refer to the explanation for CertData
in the section describing the
Certificate Processing Method under
the Strong Encryption Specification)
-Record Management Controls (0x0018):
Value Size Description
----- ---- -----------
(Rec-CTL) 0x0018 2 bytes Tag for this "extra" block type
CSize 2 bytes Size of total extra block data
Tag1 2 bytes Record control attribute 1
Size1 2 bytes Size of attribute 1, in bytes
Data1 Size1 Attribute 1 data
TagN 2 bytes Record control attribute N
SizeN 2 bytes Size of attribute N, in bytes
DataN SizeN Attribute N data
-PKCS#7 Encryption Recipient Certificate List (0x0019): (EFS)
This field contains the information about each of the certificates
that files may be encrypted with. This field should only appear
in the archive extra data record. This field is not required and
serves only to aide archive modifications by preserving public
encryption data. Individual security requirements may dictate
that this data be omitted to deter information exposure.
Note: all fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.
Value Size Description
----- ---- -----------
(CStore) 0x0019 2 bytes Tag for this "extra" block type
TSize 2 bytes Size of the store data
TData TSize Data about the store
Value Size Description
----- ---- -----------
Version 2 bytes Format version number - must 0x0001 at this time
CStore (var) PKCS#7 data blob
-MVS Extra Field (0x0065):
The following is the layout of the MVS "extra" block.
Note: Some fields are stored in Big Endian format.
All text is in EBCDIC format unless otherwise specified.
Value Size Description
----- ---- -----------
(MVS) 0x0065 2 bytes Tag for this "extra" block type
TSize 2 bytes Size for the following data block
ID 4 bytes EBCDIC "Z390" 0xE9F3F9F0 or
"T4MV" for TargetFour
(var) TSize-4 Attribute data
-OS/400 Extra Field (0x0065):
The following is the layout of the OS/400 "extra" block.
Note: Some fields are stored in Big Endian format.
All text is in EBCDIC format unless otherwise specified.
Value Size Description
----- ---- -----------