G. Zip64 end of central directory record
zip64 end of central dir
signature 4 bytes (0x06064b50)
size of zip64 end of central
directory record 8 bytes
version made by 2 bytes
version needed to extract 2 bytes
number of this disk 4 bytes
number of the disk with the
start of the central directory 4 bytes
total number of entries in the
central directory on this disk 8 bytes
total number of entries in the
central directory 8 bytes
size of the central directory 8 bytes
offset of start of central
directory with respect to
the starting disk number 8 bytes
zip64 extensible data sector (variable size)
The above record structure defines Version 1 of the
Zip64 end of central directory record. Version 1 was
implemented in versions of this specification preceding
6.2 in support of the ZIP64(tm) large file feature. The
introduction of the Central Directory Encryption feature
implemented in version 6.2 as part of the Strong Encryption
Specification defines Version 2 of this record structure.
Refer to the section describing the Strong Encryption
Specification for details on the version 2 format for
this record.
H. Zip64 end of central directory locator
zip64 end of central dir locator
signature 4 bytes (0x07064b50)
number of the disk with the
start of the zip64 end of
central directory 4 bytes
relative offset of the zip64
end of central directory record 8 bytes
total number of disks 4 bytes
I. End of central directory record:
end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06054b50)
number of this disk 2 bytes
number of the disk with the
start of the central directory 2 bytes
total number of entries in the
central directory on this disk 2 bytes
total number of entries in
the central directory 2 bytes
size of the central directory 4 bytes
offset of start of central
directory with respect to
the starting disk number 4 bytes
.ZIP file comment length 2 bytes
.ZIP file comment (variable size)